3M高温胶带到底好不好?这个问题答案肯定是效果非常好。3M毕竟是一家美国的公司,已经有几十年的历史,要知道全世界 的胶带基本都是以3M的标准进行模仿和抄袭的。那么问题来了,有很多用户就不服了,自己明明购买的是3M高温胶带,可使用的时候还是出问题了啊,把自己的产品给报废了,最后怪罪3M高温胶带不好,这也是极大的不负责任的做法。归根到底不是3M高温胶带不好,是用户自己在购买3M高温胶带的时候不懂行情造成的。为什么这样说呢,3M高温胶带有很多种类,不同的耐温和耐温时间长短,决定用什么类型的3M高温胶带,这是一方面的原因,还是另外一方面的原因是3M高温胶带有很多仿品和替代品,很多不法商家为了自己的利益,把自己生产的高温胶带打上3M商标,其实耐温性和耐温时间根本达不到3M高温胶带的指标,广大用户如果想购买品质好的3M高温胶带应该咨询3M高温胶带行家——苏州九斯盟电子材料有限公司
etailed description of 3m 69 glass cloth high temperature adhesive tape:
1.3m69 product feature editor
3m 69 adhesive tape ? 3m glass cloth adhesive tape, the best shape
3m 69 adhesive tape ? the most heat-resistant and toughest among textile products
3m 69 adhesive tape ? can effectively absorb electrical insulating paint and resin
3m 69 adhesive tape ? scotch glass cloth adhesive tape has extremely high binding capacity and can withstand 180 → high temperature, technical support and service
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m69 introduction editor
Color: white;
Thickness: 0。18mm( 7。mil);
Rubber type: silicone rubber;
Working temperature: 200 →;
Tensile strength: 31 4。kn / 10 mm ( 180 bs / in );
Elongation at break: 5 %;
Stickiness: 4。4N/10mm;
Dielectric strength: 3000 v;
Insulation resistance: 48000 megohms;
Electrolytic corrosion coefficient: 0。9;
Specifications: 19 m m33 m, 25 m m33 m, 50 m m33 m。
It is white glass cloth adhesive tape。the adhesive of the adhesive tape is high temperature thermosetting silica gel, which is especially suitable for high temperature occasions and ul approved continuous working temperature。
Up to 200 degrees, with ul 510 flame retardant performance certification。
33m69 scope of application editor
1。Induction furnace power supply, lead-out wire electrically insulated
2。High temperature applications, fixed non-stick high temperature insulator
3。Secure 3m 77 fire belt or other fire belt
4。Instead of adhesive tapes requiring high temperature requirements
5。Repair and strengthening insulation of mine equipment
6。Used for strengthening insulation under heavy load and high temperature environment
7。The silicone rubber belt is used as mechanical protection against friction and wear
3m69 glass cloth adhesive tape belongs to electrical adhesive tape with a thickness of 0。177mm。610 mm wide, white, 200 degree long-term temperature resistance, 3000 voltage resistance insulation resistance 4。8104, breaking strength 180 / 314, elongation at break 5 %, electrolytic corrosion coefficient 0。9, adhesion to steel 40 / 4。4, ul 510 flame retardant property yes, relative electric trace index I。 Anti - tearing, good shape, high temperature flame retardant adhesive; Used for coil wrapping, fixing, binding and insulation between wires; Can print on the surface。